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Feb. 9, 2024: LA Weekly

Smart Maintenance: Leveraging Analytics for Operational Excellence

In industrial and process plant operations, there are numerous challenges that can disrupt smooth functioning and profitability. From aging equipment to a need for more resources and staff skills gaps, these pain points can lead to costly downtime and productivity losses. However, the good news is that advancements in technology have opened up new avenues for addressing these challenges. By harnessing the power of analytics tools like AI, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), software as a service (SaaS), sensors, and monitors, plant operations can proactively detect and address issues before they escalate into expensive, downtime-causing problems.

Sundeep V. Ravande is the CEO of Innovapptive Inc. He is responsible for driving the company’s vision to become the #1 Connected Worker experience software provider.

According to Sundeep, here are the ways to leverage analytics for operational excellence.

Aging Equipment

One of the most common operational pain points in industrial and process plants is dealing with aging equipment. As machinery and infrastructure get older, they become more prone to breakdowns and failures. Traditional maintenance approaches often involve reactive fixes, leading to unexpected downtime and costly repairs.

With the advent of IIoT and sensors, plant operators can now monitor the health of their equipment in real-time. These sensors collect data on various parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and vibration, allowing predictive maintenance. AI-powered analytics can then process this data to identify patterns and anomalies, enabling operators to schedule maintenance proactively. This shift from reactive to proactive maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of aging equipment and reduce downtime.

Lack of Resources and Staff Skills Gaps

Limited resources and staff skills gaps are another set of challenges faced by industrial and process plants. Budget constraints can lead to understaffing or a lack of qualified personnel. This can result in delayed maintenance and an increased risk of equipment failures.

AI-driven analytics can help bridge the gap by automating routine tasks and providing actionable insights. Predictive maintenance algorithms can prioritize maintenance tasks, ensuring that resources are used efficiently. Moreover, machine learning models can help train existing staff to become more effective at identifying and resolving issues.

Outdated Technology and Information Silos

Outdated technology and information silos are often bottlenecks in plant operations. Many plants still rely on legacy systems that need to be equipped to handle modern industry demands. Additionally, critical data may be scattered across various departments and systems, leading to inefficiencies and miscommunication.

SaaS solutions offer a way out of this predicament. By adopting cloud-based platforms, plant operators cancentralize their data and make it accessible to all relevant stakeholders. These platforms can integrate with existing systems and provide real-time visibility into plant performance. This enables informed decision-making and allows for a more coordinated approach to maintenance and operations.

Rising Costs

The ever-increasing costs associated with industrial and process plant operations are a major concern. Energy costs, raw material prices, and labor expenses can all put a strain on profitability. Inefficient operations and unexpected downtime only exacerbate these financial pressures.

Analytics tools can help optimize processes and reduce costs. AI algorithms can analyze production data to identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced. IIoT sensors can monitor equipment to detect inefficiencies and recommend adjustments. These data-driven insights can lead to substantial cost savings over time.


Maintaining high levels of productivity is crucial for the success of any industrial or process plant. Equipment breakdowns and downtime can have a detrimental impact on output. Staff may also be stretched thin trying to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Analytics tools enable predictive maintenance, reducing unplanned downtime and boosting overall productivity. They can also optimize production schedules, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently. Additionally, AI-powered solutions can provide real-time alerts to operators when anomalies are detected, allowing for rapid responses to potential issues.

The industrial and process plant landscape is rife with operational pain points, from aging equipment to rising costs. However, the integration of analytics tools such as AI, IIoT, SaaS, sensors, and monitors offers a transformative solution. By leveraging these technologies, plant operators can shift from reactive maintenance to proactive, data-driven approaches. This extends the lifespan of equipment and enhances resource utilization, reduces costs, and ultimately improves productivity. In an era of rapid technological advancement, smart maintenance through analytics is the key to achieving operational excellence and staying competitive in the industry.

Sundeep Professional Photo

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