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Dr. John Glossner Elected President of the HSA Foundation

AUSTIN, TX, Nov. 4, 2015 – The Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) Foundation today announced that Dr. John Glossner has been named president. Glossner currently serves as CEO of General Processor Technologies.

The HSA Foundation has had from inception the vision of inclusive computing supporting processors beyond just CPUs and GPUs. The appointment of Glossner, with his background in heterogeneous DSP architectures, reaffirms HSA's commitment to that vision. Glossner also previously served as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Wireless Innovation Forum.

"I'm honored to help move the HSA Foundation toward the realization of our members' shared vision of a unified heterogeneous system architecture" said Glossner. "I look forward to working with all the member companies and appreciate their tremendous support for the Foundation."

In addition to the appointment of a new Foundation president, there have been a number of other key developments this year. Last month the Foundation previewed several of its members' plans for supporting HSA in their next-generation products. Products from AMD, ARM, Imagination Technologies and MediaTek will be the world's first that are intended to support HSA and meet any customer-focused technology developed by HSA.

HSA is a standardized platform design that unlocks the performance and power efficiency of the parallel computing engines found in most modern electronic devices. To support these products, HSA Foundation working groups are standardizing tools and APIs for debug and profiling, creating guidelines for incorporating IP from multiple vendors into the same SoC, and much more. The Foundation also released the v1.0 specification in March.

About the HSA Foundation

The HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture) Foundation is a non-profit consortium of SoC IP vendors, OEMs, Academia, SoC vendors, OSVs and ISVs, whose goal is making programming for parallel computing easy and pervasive. HSA members are building a heterogeneous computing ecosystem, rooted in industry standards, which combines scalar processing on the CPU with parallel processing on the GPU, while enabling high bandwidth access to memory and high application performance with low power consumption. HSA defines interfaces for parallel computation using CPU, GPU and other programmable and fixed function devices, while supporting a diverse set of high-level programming languages, and creating the foundation for next-generation, general-purpose computing.

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